Do hair extensions damage your hair?
At least once in life someone has thought about a drastic hair change, sometimes with a new hair color or hair extensions. Yet many doubts always remain: do all hair extensions damage my hair? Do extensions cause hair loss?
Over the years, there have been countless opinions and experiences that have led many people to think that hair extensions are something to avoid. This is often due to lack of knowledge and experience among stylists and neglect of maintenance by the customer. On the other hand, some people speak positively about hair extensions, not only because of the final result, but also because they can help repair damaged hair. Many women have indeed gained hair length after a long, stressful period of abusing their hair through prolonged use of heat or frequent dyeing.
Which type of hair extensions is the least harmful to the hair?
The answer to this question and to all the uncertainties surrounding this topic is not about the quality of the hair or the application method, but focuses on the hand that applies the strand! Any hair extension system, such as fusion, tape or micro ring, can damage your hair if not applied by a professional hairdresser. It is not the strand itself that is potentially harmful, but the way it is applied. For example, a tape applied to the wrong type of natural hair or too close to the scalp can cause pain, headaches or hair loss.
It is therefore essential that the hairdresser you choose for this service specializes in hair extensions and can recommend the system and hair quality most suitable for your natural hair. It is also crucial to trust a professional for the removal process to avoid any problems, as DIY or inexperienced hands can cause permanent damage.
How to make hair extensions silky soft again: the hair care routine
Even when applied by the most experienced hairdresser, hair extensions can lose their smoothness over time if not given the proper attention and maintenance. You should use a pneumatic brush to brush your hair daily and use specific treatments designed for hair extensions to moisturize both the hair and the strands. With these precautions you can significantly extend the life of your hair extensions.
How do you recognize a professional hairdresser? What are the application tricks to apply hair extensions on very short hair?
Hair extensions allow you to change your hairstyle by adding volume, color and length. For the result to be full and long-lasting, natural hair must be at least 8 to 10 cm long. When the hair is shorter than these requirements, there is a risk that the anchor point for the strand is insufficient. Shorter hair is more difficult to blend with hair extensions because the anchor points remain visible. Does this mean that hair extensions are only for people who already have long hair? Certainly not. Your trusted hairdresser will find the best strategy to conceal the method used to achieve your new hairstyle, perhaps by using an invisible hair extension system.
Are tape extensions bad for thin hair? What are the best options for brittle hair?
In addition to a wide range of prices and quality, there are different types of hair extensions to fit different hair types. For example, hair with a strong shaft can be treated with keratin fusion hair extensions, while for brittle hair it may be more comfortable to use tape-in strands with anchor points that are less heavy than keratin fusion extensions. Because tape-ins can be applied with single-sided tapes, they are also suitable for thin hair. If you like variety in your hairstyle, you may want to try clip-in extensions, but before you make a decision, consult your stylist for advice!
When should hair extensions be suggested or not?
There are situations where it is better to wait before opting for hair extensions, such as if you have recently stopped using chemical dyes or bleaching treatments and your hair is very weakened. In such cases, it may be better to wait until your hair has gained some strength as it may not be able to support the weight of hair extension strands.
During this waiting period, you should nourish your hair with a healthy diet, including hair vitamins or supplements to strengthen them from the roots and scalp, and use hair products that are free of silicones or parabens. By following these guidelines, your hair will soon be ready for a new look with hair extensions.
During pregnancy, with alopecia or with severe hair loss, you should consider using beautiful natural hair wigs and postpone the use of hair extensions until a more suitable time.